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Impact Bicortical Screw Dental Implant 3.5 mm (Length 32 mm)

Impact Bicortical Screw Dental Implant 3.5 mm (Length 32 mm)

SKU: DK-4824
32٫50$ Regular Price
26٫00$Sale Price


  • They are useful in so called less bone/ no bone atropic jaw situation
  • They help to prevent peri-implantitis(infection around implant)
  • Avoids the need for bone grafts/sinus lifts
  • Less oral hygiene maintenance from patient perspective
  • placed by keyhole technique
  • Faster heeling
  • Less post treatment pain, swelling
  • Patient can get fixed teeth in 3 -5 days

  • Description

    Basal implants are made of a single piece of Titanium metal uniquely designed to be accommodated in the basal (cortical) bone areas. The basal bone area provides excellent bone quality for the retention of these unique and highly advanced implants. basal implants are anchored in the cortical (the hardest) bone.It is a new category with new broad indications and almost no limitations. Basal implantology replaces large fields of traditional implantology. Because basal implantology includes the application of the rules of orthopedic surgery, it could also be categorized to be an ral division of orthopedic surgery.

    BCS is the ideal implant system for immediately loaded, cortically supported restorative design. BCS implants can be immediately placed in extraction sockets if their basal support is sufficient.

    Key Specifications

    The unique features of bi-cortical dental implants (BCS) are smooth polished surface of implants and thin neck and apical threads to engage the cortical bone.

    Jaw bones has two parts -

    • Alveolar bone (which houses the teeth)
    • Basal cortical bone( which lies beyond the alveolar bone)
    • The process of gum disease (periodontal infection) affects the alveolar bone by having the basal bone intact.
    • The basal implants get their anchorage from the basal bone whereas conventional implants gets their anchorage from the alveolar bone.
    • The studies of the basal cortical bone is excellent compared to the alveolar bone and so the success of implants placed (fixed) in cortical basal bone is always higher.
    • Since the BCS implants are thin and smooth they are perfect design to perform flapless keyhole implant placement (without opening the gum).
    • This is called MII (Minimally Invasive Implant Dentistry) or Keyhole dental implants.


    • 1 x Impact Bicortical Screw Dental Implant.

    (For orders above US $300 only)

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