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Philips UV-C Air Guard Warm White Light

Philips UV-C Air Guard Warm White Light

SKU: SMB-I235-7
$71,20 Regular Price
$60,76Sale Price


Philips UV-C Air Guard Warm White Light is used for air disinfection in virtually every application?/strong>because there are always situations where microorganisms in the air can cause a problem and make people ill. These airborne microorganisms can easily and effectively be inactivated by using this UV-C Air Guard light in home, offices, schools, entertainment venues, etc.


- Disinfects in 30 Minutes:?ills harmful viruses and bacteria from air

-?strong>Deodorizes in 60 Minutes:
?emove foul odour creating VOCs from air

- Effective against Covid-19:?ertified Philips UVC light which kills SARS COV-2 Virus

-?strong>Functional Bright Light:?right functional light for day today uses (1500 lms)

-?strong>UV Safe:?o harmful UV leakage so safe to be around even if the disinfection is on

- Dual Mode: Easy operation and user control
Toggle 1: Light + Disinfection + Deodorization
Toggle 2: Disinfection + Deodorization

- Universal Fit: Multi-application makes it effective in all areas like rooms, kitchen, washrooms, small cabins, doctor? cabin etc

-?/span>Warranty:?/span>1 Year

(For orders above US $300 only)

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